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Vision & Purpose

What is 10 Days?


10 Days is an annual opportunity for the Body of Christ to step away from normal routines of daily life and enter into an extended time of experiencing God and connecting with one another through worship, prayer, fasting, and fellowship.  It’s a way for all the believers in Boston to unite with Jesus at the center. It’s rooted in the 10 Days between the biblical Feasts of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.


Purpose of the 10 Days


Revealing Unity: Revealing and advancing the unity of the Body of Christ

  • In John 17, Jesus prays that we would be one as He is one. 10 Days is intended to bring together Christians from many different traditions, denominations, and ethnicities of a region to seek God together.

  • While a larger body of believers can’t meet together as a city or region daily or weekly, an annual season of joining together is attainable.

  • Since the unity of the church is in Christ, the 10 Days is  “uniting the Church with Jesus at the center”

  • Praying for and with one another leads to loving one another more.  Ultimately, unity is nothing more or less than love for one another!


Seeking Maturity: Awakening, strengthening, and purifying the Body of Christ

  • 10 Days is a time of focusing our attention on God and “unplugging” from the world, even from good things like food, work, or recreation

  • It’s like a spiritual overhaul, an extended time of letting God check “what’s under the hood”.  Often, this can result in  incredible personal transformation

  • God wants the Church to be a “pure and spotless bride!” 10 Days is an opportunity for God to move us into that identity as never before. Many of us have experienced the power of a Christian camp, a prayer retreat, or another set-apart time to seek God. The 10 Days is designed to usher many Christians within a given geographical area into this type of experience together. 

  • These gatherings, where God's presence is manifest and many lives are touched, have the potential to spark the transformation of entire communities


Desiring Christ’s Return:  “Eagerly waiting” (Rom 8:25) for the return of Christ

  • While longing for Christ’s return is a basic concept in Scripture, it’s something that has not been a focus for many of us

  • Jesus is not coming back to “marry” a Church that’s indifferent to his return.  He’s coming back for a Bride that’s “eagerly waiting” for Him

  • The return of Christ can be controversial and we’re not promoting a specific theological perspective on this issue. The simple fact is this: Christ will come again and his followers are to “long for and hasten” his coming (2 Peter 3:12)


Envision One Day

Here’s what an typical day will look like:

Believers will have spent the day in God's presence through prayer and worship. The hearts of those who have spent the day in prayer will be sensitized to God’s presence—their lives will have been touched.  In the afternoon God will be touching lives outside the church through the outreach. 

By the time the evening gathering comes, there will be testimonies of what God has done in the prayer room and on the streets.  Then, a large cross-section of the church in that area will gather together.  Brothers and sisters gathering for worship from every tribe, tongue, nation, and language; for many of them this is their first time to worship together, all together declaring the praise and goodness of God as they cry out for God’s intervention in Boston with one voice.


10 Days Nationwide


God is calling His church to take part in these ten days of fasting, prayer and worship. Click here or watch the video below to learn more about the various locations throughout the country that are participating, and definitely visit 


Special thanks to Brandt Gillespie from for putting these together!


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